Declaration of Support for Strikes from Occupy Oakland 10/19/2011

Categories: GA Statements, General Assembly

The following statement was approved by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly on 10/19/2011:

1. From this point forward, we offer our support for all strikes taking place in the Bay Area and specifically within Oakland.

2. We commit to offer practical and creative support to those who walk out from union or non-union work places, with or without union leadership.

3.This statement also applies to student strikes.

By issuing this statement, we wish to send a message to everyone in this city, that if you are fighting back, then we got your back. Talk to your co-workers and fellow students. Every grievance against this system is worthy of a collective response.
We encourage everyone, ourselves included, to no longer let our discontent boil beneath the surface. We believe the time to act is now.


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