December 4, 2011 General Assembly Agenda***NEW TIME 2:00 pm***

Categories: GA Agendas, General Assembly

Occupy Oakland General Assembly Agenda

December 4, 2011 at 2:00 pm


I. Welcome


II. Welcome Announcements


III. Agenda Overview




What does Occupy mean to you?


V.  Reports from Committees, Sub-committees & Caucuses


VI. Overview of Process


VII. Proposals

  1. Emergency Proposal: Support the rally and protest against AIPAC on December 5
  2. Emergency Proposal: Occupy Oakland Tribune Finance Proposal
  3. Emergency Proposal: Change name to “Decolonize Oakland
  4. Proposal to hold a General Assembly at every major action.
  5. Rent Strike
  6. Straw Poll for whether to use people’s mic vs amplified sound at the beginning of GA
  7. Buy Local Proposal
  8. Endorsement of 99 faces
  9. Kittens Action
  10. Hold GA at OPD


VIII. Action Announcements


IX. General Announcements



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