1st of July General Assembly – 2 pm – 19th and Telegraph

Categories: Events Committee, Facilitation Committee, Front Page

The 1st General Assembly of Occupy Oakland in the month of July is this Sunday, and there are a number of interesting proposals that are being put forth, such as:

1. The proposal to endorse and help organize the Occupy Oakland Liberate Everything Conference this summer, geared towards providing a more radical tone and communicating the unique perspective of Occupy Oakland to others and the world,

2. A proposal to jointly plan an Occupy Oakland July 4th action of some sort or another

3. A proposal to deal with the (rather glaring) issue of quorom

…and much, much more!

There will be a surprise guest speaker as well!

Also, it is out dear friend Chris of TAC’s birthday this Sunday, so we encourage folks to bring cake, food, and make merry as we all celebrate together as Occupy Oakland!


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