I used to say ‘namaste’ quiet often

Categories: Open Mic, Poetry

I used to say ‘namaste’ quiet often,
I was away from Oakland then.

I used to say ‘namaste’ quiet often,
now I exclude the Police that mistreats me,
and my brothers and sisters in Oakland, and everywhere.

I used to say ‘namaste’ quiet often,
because I interacted with privileged  White folks that live in a fluent neighborhood
where most cops kiss their asses.

I used to say ‘namaste’ quiet often,
but now I am just wish the racist and killer cops stop being cops.

I used to say ‘namaste’ quiet often,
now my heart is divided between
those that are playing ignorant of the oppression onto other human beings,
and those that suffer everyday of their lives because the color of their skin.

I used to say ‘namaste’ quiet often,
I was away from Oakland then.


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