
Occupy The Farm, the Movie, Playing Now! (Nov. 7th-20th)

Here’s the event info: November 7th – 20th United Artists 7 Movie Theater 2274 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA  – Google Maps Directions . Tickets and showtimes are available through Fandango. . Join us for the premiere of “Occupy the Farm” a documentary by independent filmmaker, Todd Darling. The film tells the story of the 17-year struggle to protect 20 acres of public farmland (the “Gill Tract”, in Albany) from development into a supermarket, housing complex, and strip mall. . . Occupy the Farm – The Film – Official Trailer from Todd Darling The … Continued


“You Gotta Be For the People.”

Gigi Winters, an Occupy Oakland activist who lost her home in Oakland to the banks after being evicted at gunpoint almost a year ago, speaks to the Albany City Council several days ago about the absurdity of evicting people from the Albany Bulb when there is no place for them to go. Gigi was active in the successful fight to save Jodie Randolph’s home from the maws of the Big Banks, as seen in this photo of her standing with Jodie and others on Jodie’s porch in Alameda in November … Continued


Federal Judge Allows Eviction of Albany Bulb Residents. Occupation Begins.

A valiant attempt by Albany Bulb residents, supporters and legal representatives to stave off eviction with a federal civil rights lawsuit failed today (Monday, November 18th), as the judge refused to issue a temporary restraining order against the eviction. A federal judge cleared the way Monday for Albany to evict about 60 homeless people from their tents on a waterfront landfill known as the Bulb, saying they had failed to show that the removal would violate their rights. At the hearing in San Francisco, Breyer quickly dismissed the arguments by … Continued


Community Gathering to Defend the Albany Bulb. Stop the Evictions! – Photos

” Dozens Gather at Albany Bulb to Oppose Eviction of Encampment Roughly 100 people gathered for a meeting at the Albany Bulb tonight, Saturday, to talk about possible ways to stop the city’s plan to begin enforcing the no-camping ordinance next month against the Bulb’s estimated 60-70 inhabitants.  Read more: Learn more about the Albany Bulb tent community please visit: 52728


OccupyTheFarm second harvest at the Gill Tract – 8/19/2012 Photos+Videos

OccupyTheFarm did it again! OccupyTheFarm second harvest at the Gill Tract – 8/19/2012 Photos+Videos Over 40 urban farmers came to the farm Sunday August 19th, 2012. Farmers of all ages with one thing in common, be part of what is good for the people and not what the UCBerkeley administrators think it i$. . . . . . Intriguing discovery: On this video Daniel B. says that UC Berkeley claims that they bought the farm for  $450,000.o0, and that there is also oral tradition saying that the Gill family donated … Continued


OccupyTheFarm – The Gill Tract Farm Solidarity March – 5/9/12 Photos

OccupyTheFarm – The Gill Tract Farm Solidarity March – 5/9/12 Photos   Want to speak with Vice Chancellor Dan Mogoluf directly? Call his personal cell phone at (510) 919-6954 and tell him that you support the Occupiers and that… Farmland is for farming, not developers! Occupy the Farm on Facebook: 30737