October 25

Sixty OPD Surround Plaza as Crowd Sings Happy Birthday, Dines on Roast Suckling Pig. 10/25/2013 -Photos-

Here some photos of today’s event.  For details and more photos (day time actions) you may want to visit: “Sixty OPD Surround Plaza as Crowd Sings Happy Birthday, Dines on Roast Suckling Pig.” : http://occupyoakland.org/2013/10/sixty-opd-surround-plaza-crowd-sings-happy-birthday-dines-roast-suckling-pig/ “OPD to the Left of Me, OPD to the Right of Me. Caught in the Middle with You All.”: http://occupyoakland.org/2013/10/opd-left-opd-right-caught-middle/ “My Shield is Justice. Facing Down Urban Shield.” : http://occupyoakland.org/2013/10/shield-justice-face-urban-shield/ . .   53494


For Immediate Release: Take Back OGP

On October 25 of last year, the Oakland Commune at Oscar Grant Plaza was raided with enough brutal force to gain international attention. Since then, continuous state repression and police brutality have sought to divide Oakland and keep its residents from reclaiming public space in a time of local, national and global austerity. The Oakland Commune served as a socio/political refuge for Oakland residents. It was open and free to all and provided a space where people could traverse race and class divides in order to share food, discussion and … Continued