Police abuse

Sixty OPD Surround Plaza as Crowd Sings Happy Birthday, Dines on Roast Suckling Pig. 10/25/2013 -Photos-

Here some photos of today’s event.  For details and more photos (day time actions) you may want to visit: “Sixty OPD Surround Plaza as Crowd Sings Happy Birthday, Dines on Roast Suckling Pig.” : http://occupyoakland.org/2013/10/sixty-opd-surround-plaza-crowd-sings-happy-birthday-dines-roast-suckling-pig/ “OPD to the Left of Me, OPD to the Right of Me. Caught in the Middle with You All.”: http://occupyoakland.org/2013/10/opd-left-opd-right-caught-middle/ “My Shield is Justice. Facing Down Urban Shield.” : http://occupyoakland.org/2013/10/shield-justice-face-urban-shield/ . .   53494