First Aid suppy needs

Categories: Announcements, Medics Committee, Open Mic

Hello there, thank you so much for donating items to the wonderful First Aid area.
Thank you for wanting to donate. We are completely free community ran first aid and wellness center. Thank you so much for supporting us!

Here is a url that gets updated daily with our supply needs to best help people around Occupy Oakland.

We really need: [10/20]

-bottled water
-head lamps
-two two person tents
-two walkie-takies
-Maalox (specifically maalox)
-finger splints

-resource info: for free medical, mental health services

Please refer to the url our needs change day to day!

Please only give what is on the list. We update this often and know what needs we have. Please no: rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, hygiene supplies, cotton balls. Please refrain from giving us used and expired items, we cannot accept used items, this is for the safety of others and us at the medic collective. Thank you so much you are awesome!

P.S. i think we need a Wish-list/supply needs/donations tab, or that ability to change it so it is up to date with our needs.


One Response to “First Aid suppy needs”

  1. Calendula

    also goggles would be good or gas
    masks if available